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365 Q&A #60: One Question, One Answer, No Lies

Today's writing prompt was another thought provoking one. It took me almost an hour to come up with this one. The prompt went a little something like this:

If you were given the chance to ask any one person a question, knowing he or she could tell only the truth in reply, what would you ask of whom?


I'm a spiritual person. I believe that there is some sort of higher power, not necessarily a person more likely a force, but I also believe that we choose our own destiny; that our path is not chosen by some outside force. It is chosen by the choices we make. However, I would like to know what comes after death, if anything. Do we just disappear? Do we go to heaven or hell or some other place where we meet our loved ones and pets who have passed on? Or is there nothing at all?

I'm not even sure who could answer this question. A dead person? The higher power? If you have any ideas let me know in the comments!

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