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365 Q&A #3: A Memorable Person

Have you ever just met someone and immediately clicked? Like you've always been life long friends even though you've just met? Today's writing prompt is just that:

Describe a memorable person you met just once and will likely never see again.


At first I didn't even think you were my type, which is why I was so relaxed when I met you. As soon as you stepped off that airplane I knew I was wrong. As we drove down the road singing along to music we began to talk. At first it was your normal work-film conversation and then it go deeper. It soon felt like I was talking to an old friend, picking up right where we left off without missing a beat. You spoke about what you like and didn't like about the business, your idea of starting your own production company with friends and then we got into our college athlete careers. Both of us happened to be third basemen. You discussed how you turned down roles in order to continue playing baseball because it was your first love. I also described my love for softball and the jobs I turned down to continue playing. We spent some more time dancing to music and then off you went. I only briefly saw you after that and I will most likely never encounter your brown haired, brown eyed, charismatic and kind self ever again. But those 3 hours will forever be burned into my memory.


Have you ever met someone as memorable? Let me know!

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