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365 Q&A #54: If I Could Turn Back Time

*I know you just sang that title* I've been listening to a lot of Cher thanks to my little brother's obsession with her music and the film Burlesque.


Life, as it does, seems to have gotten in the way again. Beware a mass post session is coming your way. This prompt fell on September 8th and went a little something like this:

If you could be physically present for any event in the past or the future, what would it be and why?


I would go back to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream speech". I would love to hear MLK Jr. speak. His message was so incredibly powerful and is still relevant today. I would love a chance to meet or even see the man behind the words. And I would most definitely shed many a tear.


I really love these sorts of questions. It's one of the main reasons I love shows like Timeless. I'm able to live out these dreams and the idea of time travel through Lucy, Flynn, Rufus and Wyatt (the shows characters). If you haven't watched the show I highly recommend it. Especially if you are as obsessed with time travel as myself (I have hundreds of books on time travel including a collection from the father of time travel, H.G. Wells, himself. I've also watched countless TV shows and movies on the subject and have researched the hell out of it). The show also throws in humor, romance and a love triangle. So it has something for everyone.

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