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365 Q&A #33: There is Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

From very early on I had to learn some hard lessons. Some I caught on to much faster than others. Each day I learn more and more about myself and about life. Through the hardships and the good times I've developed my own beliefs and moral code. This leads me to today's writing prompt:

What is something you used to believe but no longer do? How do you feel when you look back on that thought or time?


I have had many beliefs over the course of my 26 years on this planet but the most important one that I let go of was the idea that nothing good would happen in my life. I had this idea in my head for a very, very long time. No matter what I did something would always fall apart. I could have the best grades or highest hitting average on the softball team but it somehow that was never enough to stop hard times. As an adult I've come to realize that life will always have ups and downs. Not everything stays the same forever and I can make it through the bad times to greet the good times on the other side. I've also learned that in order for good things to happen you have to be open to them. You have to realize that you are deserving of good things and good people in your life. I've also learned that if you keep persevering eventually all your hard work will pay off.

Some other things I am beginning to learn and truly believe are that I deserve to love and be loved. I have also learned that in order to achieve anything in life I must be willing to take a risk; to dive in without knowing what's going to follow. I must be able to look fear in the eyes, acknowledge it and allow it to walk by my side but never let it interfere with my goals.

Looking back I wish I had learned some of these lessons sooner but I can see just how much I have grown over the years. I am proud of the woman I have become.

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