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365 Q&A #32: Awake With My Thoughts

Mental health awareness has been and will always be a huge part of my life. As someone who has had suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety and panic attacks I think it is important for everyone to feel safe enough to reach out; for everyone to have someone they can trust and feel free to talk about what they are going through. I look back on that time in my life often and think about everything I would have missed had I taken my own life. I would have never lived to see the life I have created for myself. Don't get me wrong life still has it's ups and downs but I have set up a pretty nice life for myself with much more to come.

Today's writing prompt asked me to describe the last time I was awake at dawn.

This was actually pretty recent; only a few days ago.


The last time I was awake at dawn was when I watched the final episode of 13 Reasons Why season 2. That episode really struck a cord with me. It left me feeling uncomfortable and thinking of life and the ways I wanted to try and make a difference for kids like that in the world. It reminded me that I can use my writing talents, my art, not only for self-healing but for healing others as well. The main reason I love 13 Reasons Why (both the book and the show) is because it doesn't sugar coat anything. It shows the realities of actions and the consequences that follow. I feel that's why it is such a good show; it's an important part in starting a conversation.

We need to stop tip-toeing around mental health and trauma and really begin talking about it until it becomes the norm and no longer something that is taboo.

13 Reasons has also reminded me that words are powerful and they can be extremely hurtful. The pen or in the day and age keyboard, is mighty than the sword. We need to be careful of the words we choose and how we speak to one another. We also need to learn to be kinder to one another as we never know what another person is going through. This world needs more people who are compassionate and empathetic.


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