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365 Q&A #27: Mental Strength

Today's writing prompt is fitting as May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The prompt asked:

What might a "feat of strength" mean without muscle involved?


A "feat of strength" without muscle involved would look like mental tenacity to me. It would look like someone who is able to endure such mental/emotional torture and still find a way out. That to me is a true feat of strength. Your mind at times can be your own worst enemy. It has the ability to trick itself into believing that there is nothing wrong; denying its own existence. Mental illness is interesting in that the brain itself can deny the fact that it is sick. Frankly, I find that the most terrifying part.

I've had my own bouts with suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety. I have my good and bad days but I've NEVER regretted reaching out for help. I was lucky enough to have a support system already in place at school where I could feel comfortable enough to share my feelings about killing myself. I sought out help because I didn't see anyway out. I was listened to and got the help that I needed. Years of therapy really helped me get to the bottom of why I was feeling the way I was. It also helped set up different tools that could help me cope with how I'm feeling at any given moment. Writing also helps with that.

Not everyone has access to the in school resources I had. However, there are resources out there for those that are seeking help but aren't sure where to look.

The organization To Write Love On Her Arms has a huge list of resources based on region. You can find the list here.


  • Crisis Text Line

Text TWLOHA to 741-741
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

1.800.273.TALK (273-8255)

For hearing and speech impaired with TTY equipment: 1.800.799.4TTY (779-4889) Español: 1.888.628.9454

  • National Child Abuse Hotline

1.800.4.A.CHILD (422-4453)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline

1.800.799.SAFE (799-7233)
  • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)

1.800.656.HOPE (656-4673)
  • The Trevor Project

1.866.4.U.TREVOR (488-7386)
  • Veterans Crisis Line

1.800.273.TALK (273-8255) Press 1
Or reach out to a friend, teacher or someone you trust. Hell, you can even reach out to me if you need someone to talk to. Just seek out help! It is time to break the stigma. If you are physically sick (a cold, the flu), you see a doctor. The same goes for being mentally ill. If your brain is ill you have to take care of it the same way you would if you had a broken bone.
Your illness does not define you. You are still you regardless of what you are going through.

If you need help please reach out. There is nothing wrong with seeking help! It is the first step to healing.

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