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365 Q&A #26: A Foodie Lost in Ireland

Today's writing prompt asked about one of my favorite things.... FOOD!!!!! I've grown less picky and more adventurous with my food choices as an adult (thank God). You can't live off PB&J forever.... or can you? Anyway today's writing prompt was as follows:

Think of the best meal you've ever eaten in terms of the food itself. Think of the best meal you've eaten in terms of the place/experience. Think of the best meal you've eaten in terms of company. Which one wins out as the most superlative and why?


Hands down the experience won on this one. I took myself out to a candlelit dinner in Kilarney, County Kerry, Ireland. It was hands down the most incredible experience. The food and drink were delicious but the restaurant was in a little town that I explored afterward. I was able to immerse myself in the culture and take in the people around me when I was by myself. It was a wonderful experience; I was alone in a country and was able to soak in everything for a brief period of time before exploring the rest of what the Emerald Isle had to offer. Not to mention grass fed beef lasagna and Irish cheese is da bomb!!!!!


Ireland was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I can't wait to go back! Check out the some of my adventures in the gallery below.

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