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365 Q&A #25: You Don't Belong Here

Today's writing prompt really hit home. It goes like this:

"You don't belong here." What does that statement bring up for you?


These words are pretty heavy to me, especially as someone who has always struggled with finding a place to belong. I did briefly find a sense of belonging at college. There I was able to live freely and do the things that I wanted to do. To try things that I hadn't tried. It gave me a real sense of freedom. Since graduating I have struggled to find that place again. I feel lonely and unfulfilled a lot of the time, especially when work is slow and the softball season is over.

I think that when I do find my belonging it won't necessarily be a place. It may be a person or a great job. Something that makes me feel an overwhelming sense of love and security, where I can be myself without fear. Something that makes me feel that euphoric sensation of freedom once again.

This statement also has a second meaning. Not one that I think about often, as the first (stated above) tends to take over and bring me back to a place that I've lived in for quite some time. I'm working on listening to the second meaning more. You don't belong here doesn't necessarily have to mean something negative. It could mean that this wasn't meant for you and there is something out there that is better and waiting for you to find it. I read a quote on Instagram that really inspired me to try and align my thinking with the more positive interpretation of the statement.

I know I was put on this Earth to something great, even if that thing only effects one person's life. Storytelling is my way of doing that. Not only does it help me express my thoughts and feelings but it can also help someone else do the same. It can help start a conversation, spark creativity or given someone a sense of escape from the current situation they are in. Movies, books and music have always helped me feel that way and I hope one day my stories can do the same for someone else. I don't have to change the whole world but if I can change someone's world, even if just for a brief moment, then I have done my job.

I try to live my life in a way uses my talents/passions to helps others. I find that is where I get the greatest sense of fulfillment and happiness. As the intuitive Howard Thurman once said "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”


What makes you come alive? How do you implement that in your daily life?

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